“Can’t”: DevOps and Agility vs Gridlock

We all know that DevOps and Agile have been so impactful because they both asked us to look differently at how work, problems and organizations apply technology to deliver value. How do we know if it’s working? What happens when we get stuck? Let’s look at some of the tools – technology, practices and approaches – that have evolved across industries from these philosophies and how they can help organizations shift from “stuck” to “evolving”.

Phrases guaranteed to be mentioned: Development, infrastructure and business working together, microservices, DevEx, automation, Site Reliability, platform engineering, and imposter syndrome.

Audience: Anyone who has ever felt frustrated, undervalued, or burnt out. Leaders who are oblivious to their teams but tout their agility and how DevOpsy they are. Suggest this to someone you think needs a little coaching…

Leave with your toolbox a little heavier, more questions than answers from a fresh outlook and increased curiosity, and a specific time bound plan to apply some first experiments in a collaborative, inviting and energetic way.

