Board of Directors – March 17th, 2020

Call To Order
Roll Call / Introductions
- BoD attendees: Trevor Peterson, Ronica Roth, Christen McLemore, Jen Krieger, Richard Dolman
- Community attendees: Sarah Tuneberg, Dan Wyks, Marie Struckman, Shawna Organisciak, Jeff Schlaver
Connect to Our Craft
10 minutes to go around the room and share something we learned or did in the last month.
- Jen – Company had to articulate how to work from home. Create one slide with tips on how to have an effective remote meeting. I reached out to a broad community of people and got lots of help with how to help people.
- Marie – I had a meeting with Lenny and Nancy. April meetup will be remote and we’re excited to see Lenny handle it.
- Richard – Community – Scrum Alliance trainer coach community has an interesting dynamic of how we collaborate with each other, combined with an uglier dynamic of tearing people down. It’s a reminder that we should be the positive voice for our community. This is clearly beyond complexity into the chaotic domain which means novel solutions, fast reactions, and a clear head.
- Shawna – Heard from the team that Scrum wasn’t as flexible as they wanted. Our expectation to pivot to customer value has made me have to learn Kanban while also trying to get the remote team there.
- Trevor – This afternoon meeting to talk about how to facilitate remote meetings better. Parabol and mentimeter. Can’t wait to play.
- Christen – I’m doing virtual meetups. I donated my zoom account. I cleaned my house to have a nice background. I’ve reconnected with someone on the east coast and just had time to chat.
- Dan – I hosted the Kanban CoP, we brought it down to just core members. Leaning into possible changes as we ride this out.
- Sarah – One of the cornerstones is collocating during an emergency. I published about how to do that and now see that becoming irrelevant. Now trying to help others do a remote EOC. I find that the getlabs tenants are working for people. Asynchronous communication is new for emergency management.
- Ronica – I had a meeting go 100% remote and we used Miro. I am really impressed with their progress. It was easy to navigate our setup and co-create. No one had to share a screen and we could all look at our video. On Saturday I went to a virtual happy hour with a random collection of folks (techies, swimming) and I also went to a virtual dance/rave party. We were shocked how much it meant to see the videos of each other dancing. Surprisingly cathartic.
- COVID-19 Response / Decisions
- Treasurer Update
- Reconciliation status – 2019 WiP
- Annual Tax return – Researching accountants to assist with / review future filings
- MHA related – PayPal receipts To-Date = $124517.03 Gross $120859.74 Net
- No new receipts since March 6th.
- Bylaws Review and Updates
- Push off to next month so that Org Team can work on MHA update
- Website Updates
- Jen – Template is installed, working on content – Daniel is doing some fancy CSS stuff. We may be able to ditch Meetup in the future; training for SIG leaders would be necessary. Need another week or two for more content, but we don’t need to delay announcing any more.
- Ronica – we want to stagger these announcements with all of the other, more important announcements.
- Trello Board
- PO Box – Richard – I am recommending changing our official address to Office Evolution. We can cancel our current PO Box . I have the current PO box key from Tony now. We can get a 12 month forward to our new address after cancellation.
- 4 board members voted and agreed to change our address – Richard to own
- N/A
Next Meeting: Tuesday April 21st, 2020
As of now, who plans to be in-person vs remote vs absent?
- Everyone virtual and planning to attend