Board of Directors – Oct 20, 2020

ROLL CALL/Introductions
- BoD attendees: Ronica Roth, Lori Langston, Christen McLemore, Jen Krieger, Richard Dolman
- Community attendees: Ken Roberts, Marc Story, Per, Sally Tait, Frank Vega, Seth Peck, Per, Erika Lenz
Connect to Our Craft // Personal Check-ins + Wins
- 10 minutes to go around the room and share something we learned or did in the last month OR to do a quick personal check-in.
- Jen- Moved into a new house, living out of boxes. Used Kanban for the move to avoid killing each other. Keeping some things under the hood for later.
- Christen – Been super stressed about work for a few months and it’s finally starting to look good again. Collaborating with a great friend on something and it’s good to be using my brain again. Netflix is gonna have to wait until the weekends… well, maybe until after 4pm or maybe just between meetings. Crap. Is there a 12 step program for Netflix?
- Ronica – The Leadership Circle Profile! And centered, creative, inspired. Ronica is really well rounded now. Flow vs. Planning – needs creativity and inspiration. Centered with checking in with team and work, contact with others. Personal -> work styles to improve.
- Lori – Personal Check-in
- Cooked a big pot of green chili – my Autumn comfort food to share with my family.
- Took an hour walk around the Omni Interlocken golf club this morning. I used to take this walk a few times a week when I worked at Level3. It’s been rebranded as “Lumen”. There were about a dozen cars in the parking lot. When I was working there the lots would be full, and it was a bustling campus. It was weird to see so much change and pandemic impact.
AD stuff:
- Pulled some stats from meetup re: active members. Will need to start recording ACTUAL attendees from Zoom for future reference.
- Need direction on SIG summit, and how to approach organizing it.
- Ken – Leads an Agile group in Princeton, NJ. Looking for things to glean and take back. Getting an organizers group together. Design thinking around attendees to determine needs and align a strategy.
- Marc – Morgan Stanley bought his company. Tactical efforts to clean up JIRA re: roles, dates, EPIC/Feature. Met someone at Herman Miller who gave him an awesome chair!
- Per – Thank God for Meetups! Looking for next adventure. Using meetups to keep up with Agile practice. Limited to home practice.
- Sally – took a week off for Mountains! Moved from one house to another. At Scale SIG attendance is going down. Think about how to increase attendance and excitement.
- Frank – Staunton State Park hike 8+ miles to Elk Falls Pond! Awesome place if you love hiking. Presenting tomorrow.
- Richard – Learning that being stationary vs. travel every week but busy more than ever. Context switching, poorly executing on Kanban. WIP LIMITS. Working to be effective remotely and serve teams. Need to do more hiking.
- Seth – Made homemade TIRAMISU. Training SAFE for ARCH completed certification. Learning personal limits, commitments, prioritization in various circles and time constraints. Using milestones and WIP LIMITS.
Community Forum (15 minutes max)
- Frank – How would one propose a new SIG for inclusion. SIG menu from website is the reference.
Tactical Business – anything we need to address before we move to strategy?
- Anyone interested in financials, catch up with Richard and Google Drive. We are transparent about it. We will go over an audit at a later date.
Strategic Planning
- Verify Purpose:
TO identify the Objectives and Key Results for the next ~6 months and build a plan to achieve those results
BY understanding the current state of the AD community, imagining how else we might serve that community better, choosing where to focus, and building a backlog
SO THAT our community remains vibrant and rewarding.
- Verify Purpose:
- What do we know about the current state of the AD community?
WYNTK deck
What other data do we have?
- Ronica performed empathy interviews to harvest community feedback. Interview feedback is confidential, only themes and highlights will be aggregated and shared.
- ACTION – can we transfer ownership of Meetup (Manny) so we can get better data, info?
- Income idea
- ‘Tip jar’
- One off event that is not free
- Leverage the talent that we have in the community to promote events/workshop or some kind of paid event. Need to consider fairness, neutrality, (non-commercial).
- Subscription service – allow folks to opt–in to a sponsorship that includes an option for classes/workshop socialization.
- What AD is/provides today (activity)
in Miro
- What AD could be / could provide in 6 months? (activity with discussion)
- What about a Agile Denver advocated “catalogue” of opportunities for workshops, classes?
- Where do we want to take Agile Denver in the next 6 months? See MIRO!
- Given that, what are our Objectives? See MIRO summarized below
- Strengthen our financial position
- More advanced, practical content.
- SIG Summit
- What are the Key Results that would tell us we’d met the Objectives? See MIRO summarized below
- Ability to put money to work, e.g. Scholarships, class vouchers, certifications sponsored by Agile Denver
- Mitigate risk by having multiple revenue streams outside of MHA
- Continue to have conference, meetups, organizational resources
- Ability to present the itemized expenses and infrastructure costs and how it benefits members
- Ability to put money to work, e.g. Scholarships, class vouchers, certifications sponsored by Agile Denver
- What is the work/effort that we believe would help us achieve those OKRs? See Miro
And what work currently on our Trello should we set aside because it will not help us achieve those OKRs?
(update Trello)
- Provide the foundational reasons for financial strength is clearly articulated to the membership and the outcomes that it provides. Mission and goals should support.
- Audit outgoing funds to analyze cash output and opportunities to cut costs
Trello Board: Review board right to left
- Newsletter
- Mailing lists/mailchimp
- Article posting
What coordinated announcements will we deliver at the SIGs?
Other needed communications?
- SIG speaker list
- SIG organizer Intranet
Action Plan
- Jen will set up the community member interview and formally record
- Jen will investigate the Google conference service
- Jen, Christen exploring targeted email in SLACK or other services to automate notifications
- Lori will begin soliciting help for SIG Summit and canvassing the organizers for a good date and agenda